miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

3 Ways To Become Irresistible To Women

Approaching women is hard work. I have approached hundreds of females to ask them questions about the likes of men, dating, relationships and commitment and every single woman was intimidating to initiate a conversation with. Kudos to you!
In this article, I have tried to give you some thoughtful and outside of the square tips to employ on women that come from a woman. These tips are most applicable to use on a date or in the formative dating stages to increase her level of attraction to you.
My advice may seem counter intuitive, however women have something in common with men - we all want what we can't have. So if you say and do things to a woman to make her question herself and whether or not you are into her, then you will increase her perception of your value. This is what you should be aiming for at all times - an unobtainable demeanor.
Good conversation skills play such an important role in building attraction in women - hence why all of my 3 tips are conversational in nature. You could use thousands of pickup lines to seduce women, but invariably they are lame and cliche and thus ineffective. There are other far more strategic and successful ways of communicating to a woman to make you appear confident and alpha male-like in nature.
The first way you can increase your appeal is to emit mixed messages. A mixed message is a signal that appears to mean one thing when in fact it means something entirely different. For example, you could look her square in the eyes with a come hither expression and then tell her that you don't really find her attractive. Don't worry about bombing your chances with a woman, most women are going to know that you like them, but doing this will make them question themselves and tell them another thing - that you are confident and stable.
The second strategy you can apply to dating a woman is the powerful combination of standing your ground and compromising at the same time. Most women don't realize how much of a buckling affect this has on them. For example, it may be that she wants to go out on a Saturday night when you were committed to hanging with your friends and watching 'the game'. So one weekend go out with her but the next time she asks to have the slot that you would otherwise spend with your boys, stand your ground and say you have something else on and reschedule instead. Again, don't worry about losing her. By doing this her perception of your value will go up markedly.
The third thing you can say to a woman to increase your appeal is pay her a contradictory compliment. A contradictory compliment is both a put down and an expression of appreciation and kudos to a woman. On the one hand she will realize that you are paying her a compliment but she will also note your cocky insulting undertone. It makes you appealing because it is humorous and it shows her that you aren't afraid to put her in her place, nor are you afraid of losing her. Some females may throw a wobbly when you put them in their place but deep down, we want the guy to be the dominant one. Below is an example of a perverted compliment:
"You look fantastic... for a thirty year old woman". When you say "you look fantastic" pause a moment afterwards and then finish off your sentence. Now, most women will appear to be insulted by this feedback. But ignore that and continue talking normally to her. She will know that you were meaning it in a funny and joking way. It's no secret that women love guys that can make them laugh.
Again, don't be afraid to lose a girl. A could care less attitude is the right approach to take with women. If you seem too keen, she will most likely trample all over you.
Understand the game. Read 'Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps: How We're Different and What to Do About It'

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9148096

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